How COVID-19 Changes Behaviors

Are you doing things differently because of COVID-19?
Many of us are!
How often before COVID-19 did you always use tissues to wipe a runny nose, then wash your hands and avoid contact with your nose and eyes?

Have you stopped giving hugs and handshakes?
Are you keeping at least 3 and typically 6 ft from others?
Are you working from home instead of at your office?

Why are we changing our behaviors so dramatically?

It’s because of our beliefs.
We believe that doing so will keep us and our families safe and healthy. It will help keep our communities, friends, and neighbors safe and healthy.

Our beliefs modify our behaviors.

What principle can we learn from this?

Any behavior we want to change, we can. To change our behavior, we just have to change our beliefs.

Give this some thought. What behaviors (habits) do you have that you want to change? Are there feelings you want to eliminate? You can!

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