Looking for answers about your success?

Increasing your soft-skills will help you!

Soft skills are crucial to your success

You want to advance in your career and life.  You may also want to improve your personal life in a few areas.

 What you don’t know…is killing you!

Soft skills are essential to all successful relationships… and relationships are crucial to all success.  If you don’t have them…you’re limiting your success.

If fact, studies show that 75% of long term job success is attributed to strong soft skills and only 25% to technical abilities.  Hence, soft skills are as important –  if not more so – than cognitive/technical skills.
(Sinha, 2008; John, 2009; Zehr, 1998).


So, What are Soft Skills?

Soft skills are…
…interpersonal qualities 
personal attributes 
that one possesses. 

The top soft skills employers are seeking are:


Other sought after soft skills include:

Why Flourish First?

What does “flourish” mean?

flourish | ‘flə-rish \”grow or develop in a healthy of vigorous way, especially  as the result of a particularly favorable environment;” ” to grow luxuriantly: THRIVE; to achieve success: PROSPER; to reach a height of development or influence.”

All great things!  Right?

Flourish First’s proven research-based learning methodologies develop soft skills, which in turn, develop great trust, performance and success.  

Our easy-to-use technology and live coaching make the learning, living, and leading fun, interesting and extremely possible.

We like to say “We flourish first personally so we can thrive professionally.”

It's All About You...

What’s most important to you is what is most important to us.  That’s why we have developed a virtual assistant with artificial intelligence that will make course and goal setting recommendations based on how you are feeling in 8 vital areas of your life.  

Depending on which program you choose, you’ll have access to world-class coaches to help you develop the areas you want to develop in any or all aspects of your personal and professional life.  In all the programs you will have access to thousands of resources from your smartphone, tablet or computer. 

You choose the topic, follow the recommendations of your virtual personal assistant or your personal coach or all three – on the phone, via live chat, coaching on demand or online.  

Either way, you have a passionate team of professionals committed to you receiving life-transforming experiences and skills that will enable you to be the ‘you’ you want to be!

It really is all about you becoming who you want to be!

Are Soft Skills Learnable?

Absolutely, yes!

Just like any technical skill, soft skills can be learned and improved.  One of the great things about soft skills is, unlike many ‘hard’ or ‘technical’ skills, they are as valuable, if not even more valuable in your personal life and relationships as they are in your professional life!

Soft skills are key to all successful relationships. Relationships are key to all success!

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